Leah Kirpalani, Founder Shop Good
/How I Discovered the Power of Clean Living.
I did not expect to get sick. My eight-year journey was not what I had envisioned for myself. But now, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
After college graduation, I traveled to Europe, eating, drinking and backpacking my way through new adventures. But, after 6 weeks of travel, I returned home feeling as though something in my body was off.
And all while I was beginning my dream job (as a fashion merchandiser for a large corporate retailer) in my dream city (beautiful San Francisco), I felt sicker each day and noticed some quick changes in my body. I gained a significant amount of weight, despite working out daily. My face became puffy and my acne was cystic and relentless. My hair became brittle and thin, and ended up beginning to fall out in chunks. My eyes burned, my abdomen bloated, my muscles ached, my face and skin constantly tingled and went without getting my period for years. I became fearful of all foods, terrified of an allergic reaction sending my symptoms into a spiral and I alienated myself from my friends and family, afraid that no one would understand or believe me.
Even after sifting through countless traditional doctors from multiple schools of thought, I received zero answers and little solace that I was understood, believed, or taken seriously by any of these medical specialists.

I eventually found comfort in the newly blossoming clean living and holistic healing space. With this coveted new knowledge, I decided to revamp my entire way of living. And while this major shift was NOT the ideal situation for a mid-twenties Fashion Merchandiser in the big city, I remained incredibly focused on my end goal: getting my life back.
The more I learned, researched and investigated my own symptoms, the more the aha-moments occurred over and over…and over again. I learned our bodies are incredibly complex machines, wired and programmed to heal and mend. I learned that we absorb over 65% of what we put on our bodies and that most of the products I was using contained harmful ingredients!
I harnessed the power of our thoughts and realized that our minds have complete control over our physiological state. I realized that I actually had, within myself, the power to transform my health by changing my lifestyle, my diet and my thoughts.
I chose to become an expert on clean living and holistic health.
I experimented with nutrition and learned the foods I could order when out to dinner with my friends. To further minimize the toxic load on my body, I chose to toss all toxic makeup and skincare items from my cabinets and became determined to find the BEST toxic-free red lipstick and longest lasting all-natural hair color. I even discovered a drink I could order at the bars that wouldn’t cause my symptoms to flare.
I learned how to participate in life while still making the best decisions possible for my healing. I learned how I could have both.
The punch line? I SAW RESULTS. I began to share these healthy eating short cuts and clean living tips and tricks with friends and family. They saw results in their health too.
This is when I said, “see ya” to corporate life, and “oh hey!” to my newly discovered calling and chief mission. I left the world of Fashion and became a Certified Holistic Health Coach via the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. What began as a one-on-one health coaching company where I supported over 35 women across 3 countries in their health + wellness goals – turned quickly into a go to hub for all things good — first online and then into our San Diego boutiques and spas!
Backed by our Shop Good team of Product Experts, Certified Holistic Health Coaches and Holistic Estheticians, we’re out to make healthy living EFFORTLESS, FABULOUS AND DOWNRIGHT FUN. I’m out to share what I wish I knew back then, with you now.
Because, the truth is, you CAN have both: an abundant life and vibrant health.